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Objective of this Topic is to discuss the actual best practices in some of the mexican automotive manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. So we will visit the following companies:

Tour A Volkswagen, Puebla.
Overview of the plant´s production and logistic strategies. Visit the assembly facility and the new logistic center.
Tour B Bosch and DaimlerChrysler, Toluca.
Bosch - Overview of the company and plant. Visit the manufacturing/assembly facilities and discuss specific issues.
DaimlerChrysler - Overview of the company and plant. Visit the manufacturing/assembly facilities and discuss specific issues.
Tour C Festo, Tlalnepantla.
Overview of the company and plant, products, production and logistic facility, visit and discuss specific solutions.
Tour D Spicer. México City.
Overview of the company and plant, products, production and logistic facility, visit and discuss specific solutions.

All the tours will be directly supported by the members of the AKJ Automotive (Germany) and the members of the AKJ Automotive Mexico. Participants of the congress at 24th and 25th of September may book one tour (limited places and only one tour per Congress Participant).

Schedule for Tour A
12:30 p.m. Bustransfer to Puebla, back round about 9:00 pm
02:45 p.m. General Information VW and Supplierpark
Visit Assembly/Manufacturing - Group A1
Visit Logistics/Supplierparc - Group A2
07:00 p.m. Bustransfer starts back to México City
09:00 p.m. Back at the conference center

Schedule for Tour B1 and B2
12:30 p.m. Bustransfer to Tuluca, Bosch
01:45 p.m. General information Bosch
Visit Assembly/Manufacturing Bosch
Bustransfer to Toluca, DaimlerChrysler
04:30 p.m. General Information
Visit Assembly/Manufacturing Bosch
07:00 p.m. Bustransfer starts back to México City

Schedule for Tour C
01:30 p.m. Bustransfer to Tlanaplanta, Festo
02:00 p.m. General information Festo
Visit Assembly/Manufacturing Festo
04:30 p.m. Bustransfer starts back to México City

Schedule for Tour D
01:30 p.m. Bustransfer to Tlanaplanta, Festo
02:30 p.m. General information Festo
Visit Assembly/Manufacturing Festo
04:30 p.m. Bustransfer starts back to México City